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Фотобанк Лори: лицензионные изображения и фотографии
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Фотобанк Лори: лицензионные изображения и фотографии
11.07.2004, 11:21 Фотография » Архитектура
два больших гриба I
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два больших гриба I
из серии Architecture - Minimalism
автор: Karl Angerer

Olympus OM-1, 50mm, Ilford Delta 400 Prof.

ответить  Aram Nersisyan 11.07.2004 14:17 / 03:17
Love theme.Mother & child.!!!!

ответить  Gena 12.07.2004 06:00 / 22:00
Karl, if you get back to this place again try moving one step back and one step to the right from the camera position in this picture. Moving back will ensure that the left side of the light is not cut off, moving a bit to the right will make the pole of the light and the tower converge. Very interesting idea.

ответить  Karl Angerer (автор) 13.07.2004 03:16 / 01:16
Aram Nersisyan: :)
Gena: Gena, well, to tell you the truth, I made this foto this way because I wanted the light to be cut from the side, and it wasnt really possible to take this shot anotherway either, many trees in the vicinity :) , and the sun wouldnt be reflecting on the lamp either moving to the side and back. Thanks a lot for your suggestions and comment though ;) I really appreciate critics and am greatful every detailed comment ;)

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